Thursday, 8 September 2016

Making the most of our time

Now that's a souvenir!
Our time in Alice Springs is drawing to a close so we are each making the most of our time in our own way.  For Will that’s collecting the biggest souvenir he’s ever bought!  His $162 D-Line International truck.  With thanks to Bob the two men had it back in camp by 11.00am and Will spent a very warm day under the bonnet.  The truck roared into life for a short while but with issues of dirty fuel (not surprising as there is no fuel tank lid) and a water pump the roaring was short lived. Maree, a very kind neighbour, popped over to cool the mechanic with an ice block – a much appreciated gesture.

Sunrise on the Gap
from Anzac Hill
Anzac Hill in morning glory
My days have been filled with stints at the counter at the hall as well as last minute rushes to tourist spots I still want to see.  Tuesday I was up by 6.15am to photograph the sunrise from Anzac Hill.  The sun was a little ahead of me but still it was a great way to start the day!  I then wandered along the Todd River as I’d noticed plaques on the footpath but with all the people at the Henley on Todd they were impossible to read.  I also spotted some different murals as I sipped my early morning cappuccino.

Adelaide House Alice Springs first
Wednesday began with a two hour work shift and then, as the Patrol was tied up with the mechanic and his new toy, I caught the bus to town.  As the temperature has picked up so much I settled on lunch at the botanical gardens as a compromise, it was too hot to walk but I still felt like I’d made it out bush!  As I ate my scrumptious lunch I couldn’t help thinking what a great spot it would be for a shared wine with a vegetarian sister!  

I’d heard how interesting Adelaide House was, and as it’s in the centre of the mall, I made it my next destination.  The history of John Flynn was very interesting – what an incredibly talented and broadly intelligent man he was.  Seeing the photos of the nursing sisters and reading about their life reminded me of my great aunt who had also been a nursing sister – what incredibly hard days they must have endured to bring help and comfort to others. 

Next stop, a reptile house!  Lucky me, it was feeding time at the zoo!  The lizards were very quick to grab their de-headed cockroaches – yuck!  It was great to see so many local reptiles! 

As Will and I drove back into camp we were surprised to see the campfire already lit – it was still very warm and only 4.15pm.  When an offer to share a camp oven dinner came our way it all made sense.  So we spent our evening with Graham & Maree, Loretta and Ron around the campfire.  It will be their last with us as they are due to head off today, as soon as their vehicle has been serviced and as soon as Graham and Will have finished playing their game of spot the FJ!!!

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