Sunday, 21 August 2016

More new experiences!!

Wow, so few days and so many more new experiences.  Let’s see if I remember them all!
Never trust these
two together!!
Some views are better
than others. lol
1.      Attending the Henley on Todd after completing the setting up for a conference at the Kenworth video room.  Each new race was interesting but when there were many heats of the same event it became a little tiring to me, although when the crowd was asked to join in I could see how much fun it would be if you had a group of friends willing to ‘hire’ a boat and have a go.  When it came to the ‘Budgie Smuggling’ competition my thoughts raced to my dear son who has been known to be keen on a nudie run!! Then when the final event of the program started I could see why we had been advised to stay.  Last year we had seen the Pirate Ship, the Navy Ship and the Vikings Ship in the Grand Parade.  We had no idea at that stage that they had a massive water fight!  There was water, flour bombs and simple fireworks shooting all over the place as they spent about 5 minutes zipping and darting around the river doing their best to out play each other.  A real laugh – glad I’m not cleaning that mess!!
Bill and Graham
were supporting the Vikings
2.      Waking to the sound of rain on the roof – so glad Will fixed the leaking ceiling last week – oh but wait, is that water dripping in beside the bed again??  Oh dear, back to Bunnnings!
3.      Coffee at Piccolos- seems it’s one of THE coffee shops in Alice.  Very nice, very busy and a lovely place to spend a few hours chatting with Vina and Rikki
Hmm, thought
Di removed the splinter?
4.      The Emergency Department of Alice Springs Hospital! What friendly jovial staff work there on a relatively quiet Sunday afternoon – well from 1pm until 4.30pm at least? They have a lovely triage area, a lovely spot to watch the Olympics while waiting to see the doctor, the AFL was showing just outside the x-ray room, then back for some more Olympics to see if the doctors were willing to take out the foreign body (piece of Kenworth Exhaust Pipe) from William’s very swollen and sore pointer finger on his right hand.  Luckily the x-ray clearly defined the area the object was in and the two doctors were very excited about the prospect of completing a digital nerve block using the pneumatic cuff (usually reserved for the surgeons upstairs).  At this point I declined the offer to accompany Will and continued reading my novel rather than watching the removal of the piece of alloy!!  But I was glad to see the junior doctor whistling her way to the storeroom for bandages – I figured that meant all had gone well!!
5.      Dinner at the Eastside Club – a place we’d never been.  Great pizza, easy to talk to all the other volunteers and $25 per head for expenses for the night – way to go!!
 6.      Renewing our friendship with Mr Kenworth- he’s very pleased to see us – assured us there was no need to rush over tomorrow and agreed with me that William would have a day off washing the trucks – doctor said a week – if I can keep him away from water for a day I’ll be surprised and pleased!!

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