Friday, 12 August 2016

Another Day in Sunshine

The newest arrival

Today Will continued his work in the Kenworth shed.  A bit of polishing here, a bit of maintenance there.  I left him to it and went to work in the Buntine shed.  This year's dinner is being held in this shed so trucks were on the move!  I managed to grab a couple of snaps while I was unpacking, dusting and photographing items for this years silent auction. 
A chat around Birdsville had us gaining a few travel tips for tomorrow - sounds like the East McDonald's has won out - one of my favorite spots from last year.  So we'll once again make the most of the fridge, pack a picnic and some snacks, the camera and the map and see where we end up!

Removing trucks and vehicles
from the Buntine Shed
Items for auction

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